The Power of Being Uniquely You
Jewish storytellers love this story attributed to Martin Buber, the famous 20th century Jewish philosopher and theologian. Buber tells of the great Hasidic Rabbi Zusya (Rabbi Zusya of Hanipol) who, on his deathbed, began to cry uncontrollably while his students and disciples tried hard to comfort him.
They asked, “Rabbi, why do you weep? You are almost as wise as Moses; you are almost as hospitable as Abraham; and surely heaven will judge you favorably.”
Zusya answered them: “It is true. When I get to heaven, I won’t worry so much if God asks me, ‘Zusya, why were you not more like Abraham?’ or ‘Zusya, why were you not more like Moses?’ I know I would be able to answer these questions. After all, I was not given the righteousness of Abraham or the faith of Moses but I tried to be both hospitable and thoughtful. But what will I say when God asks me, ‘Zusya, why were you not more like Zusya?’
This is the question that might sit on our hearts as well. Believing that God gave each of us “something special” to bring to the world, how can we make sure that our “something special” shines brightly? It would be sad to let it die within us. We are stuck with two challenges: first knowing what that “something special” is, and then how to let it shine.
Since I was young, I knew I had a gift to lead. I grew up in a Chicago suburb, and the easiest way to get to downtown Chicago was to take the Chicago Northwestern commuter train into the city. That’s what my father did every day to get to work. I clearly remember when I was twelve, my friends and I wanted to go into the city to go to the movies. The other girls’ parents said they could go if I was in charge. It was no problem for me to get a train schedule, pick a train, get us on and off, get from the station to the movie theater and then retrace our steps to get home. I’ve always been grateful that my parents had enough confidence in me to let my leadership abilities shine.
Do you have a story about a quality or a gift that surfaced early in your life? Maybe you brought home stray animals or played an instrument. Maybe you stuck up for kids that were being bullied or were fascinated by the night sky. You owe it to yourself and the world to operationalize your “special gifts.” That doesn’t mean you are the only person with that gift but it does mean it is your special version of that gift.
Secondly, is that gift shining brightly in the world? I knew a woman who wrote beautiful letters. I have saved some of the letters she wrote to me because they were so meaningful. Unfortunately, the expectations of what a woman should be got in the way of her ever sharing her gift with a larger audience. She died with her much of her talented voice still inside of her. I wept at her funeral not only because losing her was sad, but because I knew her unrealized gift had been lost to the world.
Is there something covering up your gift and preventing you from shining brightly? Are you living out someone else’s version of you? Are you afraid you’ll be criticized or that you won’t do something perfectly? Are the events of the present day encouraging you to stay safe and hide your light?
Focus on your special gift. It’s especially important to shine in difficult times. Make a point of doing something every day to let your light shine. Remember that your light will be seen from wherever you are. You have a unique gift! Let it shine!