SUNDAY BULLETIN | March 30, 2025

Today:  What Color is Your Parachute?

This Sunday, we continue our Lenten journey and embark on a deeper exploration of the beautiful world of spiritual gifts. Each of us has been lovingly and intentionally designed by God with specific talents, abilities, and perspectives. These unique attributes are not merely coincidences—-they are purposeful flowers in the gardens of our creation. Our differences, rather than dividing us, enrich the collective strength of our communities and the world.

Think for a moment about the diversity in nature. Each flower, each leaf, each snowflake is a masterpiece of uniqueness, and yet they all belong to the same creation. Similarly, we are each crafted with distinctive qualities that contribute to the greater whole. Together, our uniqueness forms a gloriously diverse and rich garden of purpose and potential.

Consider the seeds of thriving plants like dandelions, milkweed, cottonwoods, and thistles. These beings rely on nature’s gift of wind to carry their seeds far and wide. Each seed is cradled by a delicate parachute of silky filaments, enabling it to soar gracefully through the air until it finds its place to take root and grow. These seeds remind us of our own spiritual gifts, which are designed to lift us, guide us, and help us find fertile ground where we can thrive and serve. Just as its parachute helps provide lift and movement for the seed, your spiritual gifts are your God-given tools for navigating life’s challenges and fulfilling your purpose.

These gifts are not meant to be hidden or held back. Like seeds that rise into the wind, our spiritual gifts are meant to spread beauty and hope, reaching places we may never have imagined. When you embrace your gifts—your vibrant colors—you become part of a divine cycle, planting seeds of light, love, and transformation in the hearts of those around you.

This week, we invite you to pause and reflect on the ways God has uniquely equipped you. What are the talents and passions that set your heart on fire? How can you use these gifts to serve and to live each day more fully? Discovering and embracing these spiritual gifts is not just about self-fulfillment; it’s about stepping into your calling and fertilizing and enriching the garden of life.

Join us this Sunday as we contemplate the truth that each of us has been wonderfully made for a purpose. Together, we will explore how to identify our unique gifts, how to lean into our calling, and how to walk through our lives meaningfully and intentionally. Are you ready to soar? 

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.”

1 Corinthians 12:4-6

SONG: "I Feel Good" | Written by James Brown Kimberly Morgan
Welcome & Announcements Rev. Dr. Carolyn Scanlan-Holmes
Stepping Stones Lea Ann Koekenberg
Intro to the service Rev. Dr. Carolyn Scanlan-Holmes
Candle Lighting & Words of Welcome Rev. Richard Brendan
Prayer Christina Fidone
Harvest Basket
SONG: "Give Me Love" | Written by George Harrison Joey McClain
Message Rev. Dr. Carolyn Scanlan-Holmes
SONG: "Until We Meet Again" | Written by Tom Douglas, Paul Mabury, & Cory Asbury Caroline Smith
Closing Rev. Dr. Carolyn Scanlan-Holmes


Whoever you are and wherever you are on your journey in faith you are welcome in this place.

We are an inclusive Christian community...seeking to serve God, follow Christ, and change the world. Starting with ourselves.

We trust in the Spirit of God who opens up new and liberating ways to experience the love of God.

We are welcoming of both human experience and human diversity.

We are committed to using the Bible seriously, and seek to understand it in the light of that same experience and diversity, and of what this age knows and Biblical writers did not, and could not, know.

We are committed to a Church that conveys the Christian message in signs and symbols, especially in the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.

We are committed to taking all people seriously - married and single people, gay and straight, those who have a natural faith, and those who struggle with belief.

We are committed to identifying and affirming what is good and identifying and opposing what is evil, and living as best as we can in the confusion in the middle.

Vision statement, St Anne’s Church, Cork, Ireland


The Good Earth Band Music Director: Doran Nash; Keyboards - Michael Read; Guitar - Michael Clark; Drums - Mike Kessler
Creative Team Creative Director: Dave Bradley, Betty Brandt, Becky Cheetham, Christina Fidone, Joleen House, Kimberly Morgan, Doran Nash, Marci Struble
Hospitality Team Hospitality Director: Tricia Frye, Kevin & Jessica Young, Konnie & John Schlechte, Tom Ford, Shannon Robinson, Beth Young
Technical Team Technical Director: Scott Carroll, Matthew Vire, Tom Ford, Arcy Clark, Jaco Carroll
Stepping Stones Program Coordinator: LeaAnn Koekenberg

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