Soon, Outreach will start our annual collection of supplies in laundry baskets for Fletcher Place. As I helped deliver them last year, a woman came to me and said, “Oh, I love this time of year. That basket is one of my favorite Christmas presents. Thank you so very much!” Public assistance does not cover hygiene and laundry supplies, but through your generosity, over seventy families received these essential supplies many of us take for granted. Please know that this faith community never takes YOU for granted! It is only through your generosity, dedication, and support that we will, in grateful service, continue nurturing and growing The Garden in 2024.
When I asked us this summer to consider “wading in the water,” I had no idea what God had in store. I noted ways we must consider “getting out of the boat” in faith, and, among other considerations, I talked about The Garden’s expected shortfall at the end of this year. Then, through Kimberly Morgan’s thrilling rendition of the song “Wade in the Water,” the Spirit took our breath away. After the service, a Gardener who watched online texted me during a meeting. He said, “I want to ‘Wade in the Water’ and help The Garden with this deficit.” I shared that text with the team, and by the end of the meeting, they put together an unprecedented summertime plan to raise money with a goal of 60 donors and $30,000 in 60 days. We knew it was ambitious, but we had faith. Within a few weeks, we hit those marks, and by the end of the campaign, we surpassed them, raising 149% of our goal!
With autumn’s arrival, we have entered the season of our annual stewardship campaign, when we ask you to pledge financial support for The Garden in the coming year. Continuing the Wade in the Water campaign’s theme of miracles through faith, we have adopted “Walk on Water” as our 2024 Stewardship Campaign theme.
Through last year’s stewardship campaign plus the Wade initiative, over 90 Gardeners pledged and donated nearly $200,000 to support The Garden in 2023. As we step toward the coming year, we ask you to help us match that support and reach our goal of $200,000 in pledges for 2024. This will ensure funding for our weekly services, missions, and outreach programs, Big Give grants, music ministry, Sunday morning refreshments, audio-visual technologies, facilities... everything that allows us to continue our work serving and uplifting our community.
In the coming weeks, we will reflect on this year and consider our aspirations as we move forward. In 2023, we waded into the water. With your continuing commitment and generous pledge, we will, with faith, “Walk on Water” into 2024.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity. YOU make The Garden possible!
2023 Highlights
You nurtured “The Garden’s Garden” to grow & donate tons of fresh produce to the Crooked Creek Food Pantry.
You helped provide, prepare, & serve hundreds of meals for the hungry in partnership with Soups’ On at Roberts Park.
You supported these local service organizations through our
Big Give Grants:
• Morning Dove Therapeutic Riding
• Visually Impaired Preschool Services
• Camptown, Inc.
• Joy’s House
You donated 70+ laundry baskets
of supplies to families through Fletcher Place
You engaged in these partnerships
with Union Chapel:
• Lift Up Pantry
• Blessing Bags
• Angel Tree
• Family Promise of Greater Indiana
Your Faith in Action Team led Gardeners to write 128 letters to state legislatures urging more support for the hungry
You supported our continued Stepping Stones children’s programming
You attended book discussion groups and a Lenten Journey program
You joined us for Euchre games
You embraced Conversations
with Carolyn
You welcomed new musical talents
Your support helped us launch multiple website enhancements and audio/visual technology improvements
You welcomed new members
You enjoyed Sunday refreshments including:
• Approx 1,900 donuts
• Over 600 bagels
...and lots of coffee!