As we grapple with pandemics, economic injustice, and the effects of climate change, it's tempting to feel overwhelmed. Many of us find ourselves asking, "Now what?" Rainn Wilson, in his thought-provoking bookSoul Boom, proposes a radical solution: not a political or economic shift, but a spiritual revolution. Isn't that what The Garden is all about?
Through a blend of personal anecdotes and broader observations, Wilson challenges us to look beyond the surface-level chaos and consider the deeper spiritual roots of the challenges we share. True change, he argues, begins not in boardrooms or legislative chambers, but within our hearts. Wilson envisions a transformation of consciousness, a collective awakening to our interconnectedness. As Gardeners, we can let our spirits lead, move beyond self-interest, and help promote a sense of global community. Let us recognize the possibilities within serious the challenges we face.
This Sunday, join us as we contemplate the transformative message of Soul Boom. We will explore how we can be part of a spiritual revolution, how we can awaken our hearts and minds to create a more compassionate, just, and sustainable world.
Lord, listen to my prayer; hear me in my hour of need.
I am overwhelmed by my troubles and terrified by my thoughts.
Guide my feet on your path; don't let me stop or falter.
Teach me how powerful your love is and how unsubstantial my fears....
Protect me; hide me in the shadow of your wings.
Cover me with your mercy; rock me to sleep in the dark.
And let me, when I awaken, see nothing but the light of your face.
Adaptation of Psalm 17 by Stephen Mitchell